Monday, 17 December 2012

We raise our white flags

Passion Conference came to Uganda at the end of September. We thought we were just going to a concert, but we did not realize we were going to a life changing experience. A group of us from Heritage International School went together in two buses. There was in the group older adults, parents, singles, and teens. So many of us were transformed by the concert that night. Most of us were from America or Europe going to our first concert in Uganda. When we arrived at the University where it was being held, we were greeted by a line of people welcoming us to the event.

The Passion Team started the concert with a declaration to the Lord. A woman read Isaiah 61 - The Year of Jubilee.  Uganda celebrated 50 years of independence on October 9th, 2012.  Isaiah 61 was given to me over 3 years ago as I was preparing to become a missionary.  I opened my bible and found that scripture marked with an “x”.  I have read the scripture many times before this day happened.    When the woman began quoting scripture, I knew God was going to show me something that night.  The rest of the night was in many ways indescribable, just like the song, Chris Tomlin sings.  We were near the stage in a sea of Ugandans, but we were celebrating as brothers and sisters in Christ.  We did not know until after wards that we were in a sea of 20 to 30 thousand people.  We were declaring victory over this country.  God’s victory!  “We all raised our white flags, we surrendered all for Christ.”

This picture is from the Passion group.

We spent time in prayer with those around us, for our nation, for the people, for the pastors, for our leaders.  We also prayed for the next city on the tour.  Louie Giglio gave the message and even showed us how the universe is constantly in worship to its creator.  He joined the music of stars in the galaxy and whales to make a beautiful chorus to God.

Dancing with all the sea of African brothers and sisters was the most exhilarating experience of my life.  May we always have the passion of Christ, to proclaim the good news to all the nations!

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