Friday, 12 October 2012

Healing touch

Roses!  A beautiful creation by God.  These roses I got from my own yard here in Uganda.  I always wanted to plant and take care of roses like my mother did as I grew up.  The beauty and scents remind me of my childhood and the joy I saw of my mother growing them.  A lot of women I know love flowers and appreciate them from their loved ones.  I am no different, I love to receive flowers from others and I like to give flowers to others.

These flowers bring me great joy, because I came just at the right time to be here when they bloomed.  For many weeks and maybe even months, roses are just a thorny bush.  Nothing special about them.  That is until God's delicate creations begin to open up.  This reminds me of God's healing touch and how he has transformed me.

It all started in May 1998, two days before my daughter was born.  I did my duty and went to church with my parents, but God had other plans.  He used my parents and a wonderful missionary to transform my life.  The prayer of a World Gospel Missionary from Africa prayed for me.  That was the day I decided to find out about God and never stopped.  I accepted his redeeming love in December of that year.  I grew in him, but went through many trials.

The trails were my health - I began suffering from Asthma.  The smell of flowers, perfume, chemicals, and smoke would start an attack.  I lived in fear of some of God's creations.  I had to tell my husband and everyone to not give me flowers anymore.  No more candles in the house or anyone wearing perfume.  I forgot one important scripture, 2 Timothy 1:7 "For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." ESV

The fear continued with other medical conditions - depression, car accident injuries of bulging discs, whiplash, and migraines.  I was filled with fear and pain while trying to still be one of God's redeemed children.   God revealed himself to me, by giving me a call to Africa.  He had a plan, I just had to trust him.  When I began to release that pain and fear and call upon him - he healed me. He opened me up and removed the fear and the pain.  He did that on Mother's Day 2008, 10 years after the missionary from Africa prayed for me.  He did it after he had given my husband conformation that we were to come to Africa.

I was able to smell again, I was able to breathe in his delicate creation.  I can enjoy what he created for me and everyone else on this earth. Now I am in a country that has many smells and also smoke. His healing touch allows me to do his work here everyday.  God brought me to a foreign land to remember how he redeems those that have forgot to have a "spirit of love and self control."  I pray that you remember God's unfailing love and how he has redeemed you.

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